In Top 10 student destinations

Stay Back Visa! Ah, the visa we yearn for and probably the most decisive factor when it comes to studying abroad!
Well, there is a small difference between a stay back and a work visa. The former does allow you to search a job but as soon as you find the job you need to convert that into a work permit. Note: Its for those who study abroad! Not their spouses, dependants or job seekers directly. This is subject to change or vary as per respective country's rules, hence the best update you can get it is always from the Embassies, and then of course Edvisory!
So let's see who offers what:
USA: 1 year for Non STEM, 3 years for STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Math)
Canada: 3 years
UK: 2 years
Ireland: 2 years
France: 2 years
Germany: 1.5 years
Switzerland: 06 months
Australia: 3 years
New Zealand: 1 year
Netherlands: 1 year
Notable Mention: Scandinavian countries offer up to 1 year of stay back visa to Indian students
Visas often depend on multiple factors like duration of program, accreditations, university validation, target jobs etc. Therefore we strongly recommend to connect with schools/Embassies before making a decision.
At Edvisory we believe, Visa is a privilege and not a right!